【TOMO雙語爆】開山刀男殺入餐廳被警方槍斃 | 即時新聞 | 20160216 | 蘋果日報

原文影片請看此2月11日週四晚間,美國俄亥俄州哥倫布市(Columbus)一家餐廳發生喋血事件,一名男子持開山刀,砍傷晚餐的顧客。調查人員指出該男子是Mohammad Barry。他起先走進餐廳,跟一名員工交談了幾分鐘後,便離開。但他半小時後又回來,拿開山刀猛砍一對坐在門旁的男女顧客。顧客們也奮力還擊,但男子還是傷了四人,最後逃走。警方到達現場,看見Barry正坐進一輛豐田白色轎車,便展開追逐。追了幾英哩後,警方把Barry逼下公路。Barry試圖徒步逃離,但被警方包圍。他便朝警方揮舞開山刀和另一把刀。警方用電擊槍射擊,但嫌犯未被擊倒,於是警方開了槍,Barry當場死亡。警方認為嫌犯是索馬利亞裔,他攻擊餐廳,可能是因為他認為餐廳主人是猶太裔。四名傷者已送醫治療,可望完全復原。調查仍在進行中。英文原文:Dinner, Thursday night, Feb. 11, at the Nazareth Restaurant & Deli in Columbus, Ohio, turned bloody when a man attacked patrons with a machete.The man, who investigators have identified as Mohammad Barry was seen entering the restaurant and talking to an worker for a few minutes then leaving.He then returned about half an hour later and started a bloody attack on a couple sitting by the door, slashing them with a machete.Patrons fought back, but the man was able to injure four before fleeing.Police arrived on the scene to see the Barry get into a white Toyota Corolla. He led them a short chase.A few miles away, police were able to force Barry off the road.Barry tried to flee on foot, but police had him cornered. He then lunged at them with a machete and another knife.Police shot him with a Taser gun but were unsuccessful. They then resorted to using their guns. Barry was pronounced dead on the scene.Police believe the suspect is of Somali descent and may have attacked the restaurant believing that its owner, pictured here, was of Jewish background.The four injured were taken to the hospital and are expected to make full recoveries. The investigation is ongoing.



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